As the flood waters and ice recede, we are eager to get back in the saddle. Whatever your riding discipline, consider the consequences of this wet winter and get proactive!
Hoof Care First and foremost: feet! I see lots of shedding frogs, low heels and long toes in the spring. This winter environmental cleanliness has been a real challenge, and many horses are standing in manure that goes through repetitive freeze/thaw cycles. Hooves develop callouses in response to harsh ice. When the surface thaws, fecal bacteria seep into small defects in the thickened sole and frog, creating the perfect setup for thrush or subsolar abscessation.
Preventive measures that MAKE A DIFFERENCE: 1) Get a hoof pick and wire brush and thoroughly pick you horse’s feet every day! 2) Remove accumulated manure and organic material from pens and turn outs 3) Schedule a trim and consultation with your farrier!
Body Conditon As you get your horse’s feet in shape, start grooming! Get that winter hair loose, check for any skin conditions and feel your horse’s back and barrel – is their body condition what you hope for? Many horses gain or lose unnoticed weight under winter hair coats and blankets. Your spring clinic appointment is a good time to ask Dr. Chrysann about your horse’s nutrition program.
Horses and humans alike, let’s dry out, get out, get moving, and look forward to a spectacular spring flower season in our high desert piece of heaven!